Functional Fitness
Today’s suck fest is a long partner piece. You’ll start off with 3k row with both partners rowing simultaneously. You’ll then transition into a 3 mile run while carrying a med ball between partners. Every time you switch the ball, both partners perform 15 burpees. Finally, finish out with a 3k row total, split between partners.
A/B/C mandatory. D optional
A. Saturday Suck Fest
Partner workout
For time
3k row (each simultaneously)
3 mile run carrying 20/14 medball (every switch, 15 burpees)
3k row (total)
B. Strength
Tempo OHP (4441) 5x3
C. Accessory
DB floor press 3x8
Banded bicep curl 3x20
Strict ring dip 3x12
D. Odd ObjectFarmer carry 5x100' AHAP
#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman