Posts in functional fitness

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Oly is getting heavier again this week with higher percentages. Again, don't hesitate to drop the weight to keep your technique solid. Get after the work today and get after tacos and tequila tonight. 


A. Oly

SN 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 1x1@90%, 2x1@92.5%, 2x1@95%


B. Interval

20min E4MOM

30/20c row, 20 pull-ups, 10 Shoulder to overhead (155/95)


C. Accessory

I/Y/T 3x10

Strict C2BPU 3x10

Pendlay Row 3x8


D. Gymnastics

5 rounds, rest as needed

Run 200m, AMRAP unbroken bar MU


E. Work Capacity

Run 6x400, rest 1:00


Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. Back to another week of training. If you're interested in maximizing your training, think about purchasing one of our personalized macro plans. We'll send you a breakdown of how much to eat per meal. As for training today, lots of good work on the schedule for today. For the gymnastics work, set the deficit to a challenging height for yourself. Everything else is fairly self explanatory.

A. Strength

BS 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


B. Metcon



Front squat (185/125), HSPU, T2B


C. Accessory


Single Arm Landmine Row 3x10

KB single leg box step up 3x10


D. Gymnastics

16 EMOM, alternating

4 ring MU, 10 burpee BJO (24/20), 6 Deficit HSPU (scale as needed), 18 pistols


E. Work Capacity

AAB: 20 rounds of :30s on :30s off


Functional Fitness


Happy Sunday. We're now offering personalized macro plans for $20 in our online store. You'll get a breakdown with macros per meal based on your goals whether it is bulking or cutting. If you have any questions, feel free to email us or DM us.


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. We're trying something new for our Suck Fest today. We're using a running clock to time each session. If you aren't able to finish the work in that time, just move on. Generally speaking, you should be able to finish each "piece" with about 3-5 minutes to recover. Feel free to scale the weights as needed in order to maintain the intensity.

A. Strength

Bench 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


B. Oly

PS + OHS 3+3@60%, 3+3@65%, 3x(3+3)@70%


C. Oly

Clean from blocks (knees) 5x2 @ 75%


D. Saturday Suck Fest

On a running clock:

0:00 - 10:00 : Run 1 mile for time

10:00 - 25:00 : 10 Rounds 15 WB (20/14), 3 DL (315/205)

25:00 - 35:00 : 100/70 cal AAB

35:00 - 45:00 : 3 RFT: 20 KBS (70/53), 50 DU, 20 BJO (24/20)

45:00 - 55:00 : 21-15-9 Hang power clean (135/95), HSPU

55:00 - UTC - Run 1 mile for time


E. Accessory

KB Farmer carry 5x50' AHAP

Barbell curl 3x12

Weighted Dips 3x12


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Hope everyone feels somewhat recovered from yesterday. We've got our normal Friday volume, choose based on what you need to work on. Get after the work today and enjoy the weekend. 

A. Strength

DL 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


B. Strength

OHP 1x5@ 65%, 1x5@75%, 1x5+@85%


C. Interval

5x3 AMRAP, rest 1:00

5 bar MU, 10 burpee BJO (24/20), AMRAP thruster (65/45)


D. Gymnastics


Pistols, T2B


E. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x6

Med ball slams 3x15

Plank hold 3x:60s


F. Work Capacity

10 rds every :90s

15/10 cal AAB sprint


Functional Fitness


Thursday Recovery Day. Nothing crazy unlike D/3/75 in the pic. Pro mask ruck? RIP to the homies. As for us, we've got some low impact flush work. Make sure you get some myofascial release and then flush to get the blood flowing.

Active Recovery

400/300 cal AAB, E4MOM 15 pushups, 20 squats 


Functional Fitness


On this date in Ranger History, a force of about 250 Rangers from 2nd Ranger Battalion and 5th Ranger Battalion scaled the 100 ft cliff at Point du Hoc on nothing more than rope ladders. At the top, they faced numerous counter attacks from the Germans as they held their positions until reinforced. At the end of the day only about 90 Rangers remained out of the original fighting force of 250. These Rangers were given one of the most difficult missions on D-Day and demonstrated the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger Objective. As Ronald Regan noted 40 years later, "These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war." 

Know your Ranger history. RLTW.

A. Oly

C+J 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 1x1@90%, 4x1@92.5%


B. Metcon


Row 250m, 15 power snatch (95/65), 2 rope climb


C. Accessory

BB Z press 3x8

Klokov press 3x8

Strict T2B 3x10


D. Gymnastics


15 C2BPU, 15 BJO (24/20), 15 burpee to 6" target


E. Work Capacity

Run 4x800m, rest 2:00

Screenshot at Jun 03 21-45-50.png

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Oly work is getting heavier. Again, focus on good reps and good technique. Don't worry about having to go down in weight to preserve your technique. Lots of interval work today, keep the intensity up but keep the efforts repeatable. 

A. Oly

SN 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 1x1@90%, 4x1@92.5%


B. Interval

3x 5AMRAP, rest 3:00

30/20c AAB, 10 squat clean thruster (155/95), AMRAP cal row remaining time


C. Accessory

Pendlay row 3x5 AHAP

Weighted pistol 3x8

I/Y/T 3x10


D. Gymnastics

4 RFT, rest 2:00

Run 200m, 20 HSPU


E. Work Capacity

5x100 DU, rest 1:00


Functional Fitness


Cheers to the weekend. Enjoy the Suck Fest today. It's a huge grip strength test so make sure you chalk up and are smart about how you attack the KBS. 

A. Strength

Bench 1x5@ 75%, 1x3@85%, 1x1+@95%


B. Oly

SN Hi Pull + SN 3+1@60%, 3+1@70%, 3x(3+1)@80%


C. Oly

Clean Hi pull + Clean 3+1@60%, 3+1@70%, 3x(3+1)@80%


D. Saturday Suck Fest

500 KBS (53/35)

Everytime you break, row 500m, 50 DU, 3 rope climbs


E. Accessory

Zercher/yoke carry 5x50m AHAP

Poundstone curl

Weighted dips 5x10

Parallete L-sit flutter kick 3x20 ea leg


Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. We're going up on the singles. Like last week, we're slowly getting heavier. Focus on your technique. If you're missing reps, don't hesitate to go down to focus on hitting your reps. We're trying to get used to maintaining technique with heavier weight, so don't sacrifice your technique to make the weight. 

A. Oly

SN 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@92.5%


B. Interval

5x 3AMRAP, rest 2:00

15/12 cal AAB, 15 GHDSU, 15 WB (30/20)


C. Accessory

Snatch grip pendlay row 3x6

Bottom up KB press 3x10

Strict T2B 3x10


D. Gymnastics


3 unbroken ring MU


E. Work Capacity

Run 4x800m, rest 2:00

Screenshot at May 24 19-17-08.png

Today we recognize our brothers at 2nd Ranger Battalion out of Ft Lewis, WA. Since the start of the GWOT, 16 2/75 Rangers have paid the ultimate sacrifice including Pat Tillman. Read more about fallen 2/75 brothers at If you ever have the opportunity, read the book "Where Men find Glory" by Jon Krakauer. It is an amazing read about an amazing man. Enjoy the rest day today, and get ready for Murph tomorrow.

Screenshot at May 24 19-17-08.png

Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. In continuing the theme of Memorial Day Weekend, we are recognizing the sacrifices of our 1/75 brothers in arms. 1st Ranger Bn, headquartered in Savannah, Georgia has lost 17 Rangers in the GWOT. Read about their stories and learn about them here - Today's Suck Fest is dedicated in honor of them.

A. Strength

Bench 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


B. Oly

PC+PJ 2+2@60%, 2+2@65%, 3+2@80%, 3x(2+2)@70%


C. Oly

3 position hang Snatch (hi hang, knees, low hang) 5x1 @ 75%


C. Saturday Suck Fest

1 RFT, with 20# vest

800m walking lunge, 75 sandbag box step over (50/35 sandbag, 24/20" box), 75 WB (20/14), 75 KBS (53/35), 75 burpees, 800m run


D. Accessory

DB Hammer curl 5x12

Farmer carry 5x50m AHAP

Close grip bench 5x12

Weighted plank holds 3x 60s


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday and the start of Memorial Day Weekend. Most people honor this weekend as the start of summer, however, we all know the true meaning of this weekend. We all know brothers and sisters who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of this nation. Keep them and their families in your thoughts and prayers this weekend as we all celebrate the holiday. Pick what you need to work on and attack it. Don't squander the opportunity you've been given - the opportunity of life.

A. Strength

DL 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


B. Strength

OHP 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


C. Interval

4 RFT, rest 2 min between rounds

400m sandbag run (50/35), 15 thruster (115/85), 10 bar facing burpees


D. Gymnastics

5 rounds, goal is unbroken. Rest as needed

4 bar muscle up, 4 C2BPU, 4 PU, 4 T2B


E. Accessory

BB Z-press 3x6

Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP

Single leg KB RDL 3x10


F. Work Capacity


10/8 cal AAB



Functional Fitness


Thursday recovery day. Get after the normal recovery work. More pool stuff for today for the flush. 

Swim 10x150m, 10 burpees between laps


Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Lots of AAB work today. Pick a pace that you are able to maintain for fairly consistent levels throughout the 5 min sets. Time to build the leg endurance and lactate cycling. Keep the intensity up and consistent.

A. Oly

C+J 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 3x1@90%


B. Metcon


50 DU, 10 HSPU, 10 power clean (135/95)


C. Accessory

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

I/Y/T 3x10

Klokov press 3x6


D. Gymnastics

12 min E2MOM

12/10 cal AAB, 10 C2BPU


E. Work Capacity

3x5min max AAB cals, rest 3:00 between rounds