
Functional Fitness


For the conditioning piece, you’ll be doing some interval work. Push the pace on the “work” intervals and recover between. If you don’t have access to a sled, you can push a plate across the floor, this is comparable. Otherwise, do weighted lunges.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB Back squat 4x10
A1. BB RDL 4x12

B. Accessory

B1. BB Banded good morning 3x12
B1. Weighted box step up 3x12
B2. Strict T2B 3x10
B2. Banded hip clamshells 3x20 ea leg

C. Conditioning

Run 4 miles
4 min @ 2 mile pace, 1 min @ light jog

D. Work Capacity

10 sandbag ground to overhead (100/75)
10 strict pull up
100' sled push


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Grab your ruck for the suck fest today. Do the pullups/squats with the ruck on your back.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

5 rounds
1 mile ruck run (50/35)
10 ruck pull ups
20 ruck ground to overhead
50 ruck squats

B. Hypertrophy

B1. DB Bench 4x10
B1. Strict ring dip 4x8-12

C. Accessory

B1. BB Curl 4x12
B1. Banded tricep pushdown 4x20
B2. DB Chest fly 4x10
B2. Banded face pull 4x20

D. Odd object

Single arm farmer carry 5x50' ea arm (AHAP)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Nothing fancy for today, just continuing the work capacity trend.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Oly

Snatch complex (snatch hi pull, hang power snatch, OHS, hang snatch, OHS, snatch) 6x1

B. Accessory

B1. Pistol 4x10
B1. Strict chin up 4x8
B1. Push up plank on rings 4x30s

C. Conditioning

2x800m, rest 2:00
4x400m, rest 1:00
6x200m, rest 2:00

D. Work Capacity

5 rounds, not for time
200m sandbag carry (100/75)
10 sandbag power clean
10 sandbag thruster
10 burpee over sandbag


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Well deserved active recovery day. Pace the intervals as you desire.


Active Recovery


10x100m, rest 1:00
8x50m, rest 1:00
8x25m, rest 1:00


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Fairly similar pieces to yesterday in terms of time capacity. The work capacity pieces should be done at a 70-80% intensity that you can maintain consistently throughout the piece.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. Power clean + 3 push press 5x3
A1. Bottom up KB Press 5x10

B. Accessory

B1. Single leg RDL 3x10
B1. Banded Paloff Press 3x20
B2. DB Bent over row 3x10
B2. I/Y/T 3x10

C. Conditioning

35 E7MOM (5 rounds)
4 min AAB
3 min rest

D. Work Capacity

20 KB squat clean (alternating)
100' KB suitcase carry (split between two arms)
20 KB snatch (alternating)
100' KB overhead walk (split between two arms)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


A couple long pieces for conditioning/work capacity. Scale the conditioning piece as needed. You should finish each round at ~45 seconds.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. Trap bar deadlift 4x8
A1. Strict C2BPU 4x8

B. Accessory

B1. BB pendlay row 4x10
B1. DB reverse fly 4x12
B1. DB hammer curl 4x10

C. Conditioning

15/12 cal row
15/12 cal ski
15/12 cal AAB

D. Work Capacity

100' BB backrack walking lunge
10 DB turkish get ups (total)
100' BB Zercher carry
10 strict T2B


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Hope you guys are enjoying the change of pace in programming. There’s definitely more lifting volume but we’ve dropped some of the conditioning volume. Again, our goal this block is to increase baseline capacity and put on some size. Keep it up.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. DB rear foot elevated split squat 4x15 (ea leg)
A1. BB RDL + Shrug 4x12

B. Accessory

B1. BB backrack rear lunge 3x10
B1. Banded hip thrust 3x20
B2. Weighted Russian twist 3x20
B2. Reverse hyper 3x12

C. Conditioning

Row 5k

D. Work Capacity


10 sandbag clean (100/75)
20 sandbag lunges (total)
10 sandbag shoulder to overhead
20 sandbag squat


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


For the suck fest today, one of you is working at a time. One person will be running with the sandbag and the other will be chipping away at the reps.


A. Saturday Suck Fest

For time, with a partner
Partner A: run 200m with 100/75 sandbag
Partner B:
100 DB box step over (2x50/35 over 24/20)
100 burpee pullups
100 wallball (30/20)
100 box jump over (24/20)

B. Hypertrophy

B1. Bench 4x10
B1. DB fly 4x12

C. Accessory

C1. DB Curl 3x15
C1. BB Floor press 4x12
C2. Strict ring dip 4x10
C2. Banded face pull 4x20

D. Odd object

5x100' Zercher carry AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ll have some metcons thrown into the training during this block, but not very often. The usual suck fest tomorrow.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. Power clean 5x5
A1. Box jump 5x4

B. Accessory

B1. Strict T2B 4x10
B1. BB Back rack lunge 4x30 (total)
B1. Sorenson hold 4x30s

C. Conditioning

Run 3x1 mi, rest walk 4:00

D. Work Capacity

For time (20 min cap):
50 DBall over shoulder (150/100)
Every 2 minutes, including 0:00 15/12 cal row/ski


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’re still staying in the pool for active recovery this block. Rest as needed between rounds.


Active Recovery

10 rounds, not for time
100m swim
12 pushups
16 air squats


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Hump day. Enjoy the well deserved active recovery day tomorrow. You guys have earned it.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB OHP 4x10
A1. Plate front raise 4x25

B. Accessory

B1. BB upright row 3x10
B1. DB Z-press 3x10
B2. Ring row 3x12
B2.Banded face pull 3x20

C. Conditioning

4 rounds for max reps, rest 2:00 between rounds
2:00 row
1:30 AAB
1:00 burpee box jump over (24/20)

D. Work Capacity

8 rounds, not for time
100' DB weighted walking lunge (2x 50/35's)
8 devils press (50/35)
8 strict pull up


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


As mentioned yesterday, the goal of this block is to build some size and increase work capacity. As a result, you’ll have to spend more time on recovery between sessions.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB RDL 4x8
A1. Single arm bent over row 4x12

B. Accessory

B1. Chin up 4x8
B1. BB Pendlay row 4x10
B1. DB hammer curl 4x10

C. Conditioning

Run 5k

D. Work Capacity

6 rounds, not for time
100' sled push
10 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
100' sandbag carry


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’re shifting gears into our off season hypertrophy block. This will be 12 week block. We’ll be doing fairly high volume with lower intensity. Most of the lifting work will be supersetted. Instead of “metcon” work we have work capacity pieces. The goal of these pieces is to build volume and capacity.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Hypertrophy

A1. BB front squat 4x10
A1. BB reverse lunge 4x12 (ea leg)

B. Accessory

B1. Single leg RDL 4x10
B1. Wall sit 4x30s
B2. Weighted pistols 4x10
B2. Banded hip thrust 4x20

C. Conditioning

3 rounds
Row 1:00, rest 0:30
Row 200, rest 0:30
Row 3:00, rest 0:30
Row 4:00, rest 3:00

D. Work Capacity

100m KB farmer carry (53/35)
20 double KB clean
20 double KB front rack lunge (total)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


For today’s Suck Fest, split the reps as needed but run together. For the man makers, you’ll do a pushup, row, row, clean, front squat, overhead. Feel free to combine into a squat clean thruster (cluster) if desired.


A. Strength

BB incline bench press 4x8

B. Accessory

BB floor press 3x12
Weighted dip 3x10
BB curl 3x12

C. Saturday Suck Fest

For time
With partner, split reps as needed, run together
Run 1 mile
100 DB man maker (50/35)
Run 1 mile with 20/14 wallball
100 burpee pull up
Run 1 mile with 35/24 KB


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


A couple good options to choose between for the metcon/gymnastics. Enjoy your weekend.

A/B mandatory. Pick 1 out of C/D.


A. Strength

Trap bar deadlift 4x8

B. Accessory

Weighted pull up 3x8
Strict T2B 3x10

C. Metcon

24/20 cal AAB
12 deadlift (225/165)
6 wall walk

D. Gymnastics

3-6-9... C2BPU
40 double under


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit