
Functional Fitness


Hump day. Nothing fancy for today’s pieces. If you don’t have a rope for rope climbs, sub 4 rope pull ups for 1 rope climb.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Deadlift 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

BB snatch grip pendlay row 3x10
Weighted hip thrust 3x20
Ab roll outs 3x12

C. Conditioning

Row/ski 3x2k, rest 2:00

D. Interval

5 rounds, rest 1:00 between rounds
20 thruster (95/65)
10 bar facing burpees

E. Metcon

For time
1-2-3-4-5 Rope Climb
5-10-15-20-25 OHS (95/65)
25-50-75-100-125 DU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Nothing fancy for today’s pieces. Push the pace on the AAB in the conditioning piece.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Oly

Hang snatch 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2x2@85%, 1x2@90%

B. Accessory

Snatch grip sotts press 3x8
Strict C2BPU 3x8
Banded face pull 3x20

C. Conditioning

20 min EMOM, alternating
15/12 cal AB
6 devil press (50/35's)

D. Metcon

8 double KB snatch (53/35)
12 double KB front rack squat
16 double KB front rack rear lunge (total)
24/20 cal AB

E. Gymnastics

12 min EMOM, alternating
4-8 bar muscle ups
10-16 GHDSU
12-20 pistols, total


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Monday. We’re into our second 5/3/1 cycle, which means we’re going to add 5 to our training maxes. 2 more cycles.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Zercher squat 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

Weighted box step ups 3x8 ea leg
BB good morning 3x10
Back extension 3x15

C. Conditioning

500m row
10 DB box step over (2x50/35 over 24/20)

D. Metcon

6 squat clean thruster (115/75)
9 pullups

E. Interval

6x2 min off, 1 min off
25/20 cal row
AMRAP burpee pull ups


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We just have one movement for our Suck Fest today. Feel free to wear a vest for it, but up to you. Make sure you’re hydrating throughout.


A. Strength

Push press 1x5@ 75%, 2x3@85%, 1x1+@95%

B. Saturday Suck Fest

1 mile burpee broad jump

C. Strongman

DB/KB waiter carry 5x100' ea arm

D. Accessory

DB Bench 3x8
EZ curl 3x12
Strict ring dip 3x12


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Focus on your form/technique for the gymnastics piece, it’s for quality not for time.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Oly

Clean 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2x2@85%, 3x2@90%

B. Accessory

KB gorilla row 3x10 ea arm
BB Z-press 3x8
Landmine cauldron 3x10 ea direction

C. Conditioning

15 rounds
:15 max effort AAB
1:15 recovery AAB

D. Metcon

7 squat clean (185/125)
7 burpee pullups
7 shoulder to overhead (185/125)
7 burpee box jump over (24/20)

E. Gymnastics

For quality
50 strict HSPU
Every break, 15 GHDSU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Low impact recovery work day.


Active Recovery

45 min low impact work


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy New Year crew. Get after another year of training and new goals.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Deadlift 1x5@ 75%, 2x3@85%, 1x1+@95%

B. Accessory

Weighted pull up 3x8
Weighted hip thrust 3x20
Banded paloff press 3x20

C. Conditioning

Row 6x1k, rest 2:00

D. Interval

3x5 min AMRAP, rest 1:00
10 power clean (135/95)
12 burpee facing burpees
14 box jump over (24/20)
Max cal row

E. Metcon

400m run
20 DB lunges, total (2x 50/35's)
10 DB hang clean to overhead (2x 50/35's)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Happy New Year’s Eve. Hopefully you guys have crushed your year.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Oly

hang snatch 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2x2@85%, 3x2@90%

B. Accessory

Bottom up KB press 3x10
DB/KB row 3x10
I/Y/T 3x10

C. Conditioning

40 EMOM (10 rounds total)
20/16 cal row
15 burpees
20/16 cal row

D. Metcon

10 double KB snatch (53/35)
15 double KB squat (53/35)
1-2-3.. wall walk

E. Gymnastics

30 double unders
16 pistols (total)
8 T2B


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Hope you guys had a great Christmas week. We’re getting down to the last couple days of 2024. We’ve got some “work” pieces today, nothing fancy.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

zercher squat 1x5@ 75%, 2x3@85%, 1x1+@95%

B. Accessory

RFESS 3x10
BB RDL 3x12
Strict T2B 3x10

C. Conditioning

AAB 5x100cal, rest 2:00

D. Metcon

For time
1-2-3...10 Devil press (50/35)
10-9-8..1 DB squat clean thruster (50/35)

E. Interval

4x3 min AMRAP, rest 1:00
400m run
AMRAP sandbag ground to overhead (100/75)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ve got a long “murph”-y chipper for today’s suck fest. Complete each movement before moving onto the next one.


A. Strength

push press 1x3@ 70%, 2x3@80%, 1x3+@90%

B. Saturday Suck Fest

For time, wearing vest (20/14)
1 mile run
100 burpee pullups
1 mile run
200 hand release pushups
1 mile run
300 box step up (24/20)

C. Strongman

Zercher carry 5x100' AHAP

D. Accessory

EZ skull crusher 5x10
EZ curl 5x12


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


A couple options for training today. You can do some low impact active recovery work or hit a 12 days of Christmas workout, either with or without equipment.


Active Recovery

45 min low impact work

12 days of Christmas (equipment)
1 200m run
2 Snatch (135/95)
3 Muscle up
4 Devils Press (50/35)
6 Burpee box jump over (24/20)
7 Pull up
8 BB front squat (135/95)
9 T2B
10 Power clean (135/95)
12 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)

1 200m run (no equipment)
3 pistols (ea leg)
4 Yoga pushups
5 V-up
6 jump squats with leg tuck
7 burpees
8 jump lunges ea leg
9 shoulder taps (ea side)
10 hollow rocks
11 broad jumps
12 wall walks


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


Merry Christmas crew. If you’re able to do normal programming, here’s today’s. Otherwise, don’t stress it and catch up on training later.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

Deadlift 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

BB back rack reverse lunge 3x10 ea leg
Weighted hip thrust 3x20
Banded Paloff press 3x20 ea side

C. Conditioning

20 min EMOM, alternating
15/12 cal AB
4 barbell lungster (95/65)

D. Interval

3 rounds, rest 2:00 between
Deadlift (225/175)
Bar facing burpee

E. Metcon

25/20 cal row
12 T2B
9 DB thruster (2x50/35)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


You’ll be doing full hang snatches this cycle. You can take the hang from wherever you like.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Oly

hang snatch 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2x2@85%, 1x2@90%

B. Accessory

KB gorilla row 3x8 ea
Weighted pull up up 3x8
Band face pull 3x20

C. Conditioning

Row 10x500m, rest 1:00

D. Interval

20 AMRAP, rest 1:00 between rounds
20/16 cal AB
10 ground to overhead (135/95)

E. Gymnastics

1-2-3... strict HSPU
1-2-3... strict C2BPU


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ll be doing our standard modified 5/3/1 strength cycle for the next 9 weeks. Train as able this holiday season.

A/B mandatory. Pick 2 out of C/D/E.


A. Strength

zercher squat 1x5@ 65%, 2x5@75%, 1x5+@85%

B. Accessory

Single leg RDL 3x10 ea
Goblet cossack squat 3x10 ea leg
Strict T2B 3x10

C. Conditioning

8 rounds
750m row
40 air squats

D. Metcon

12 deadlift (225/175)
9 burpee box jump over (24/20)

E. Interval

5 rounds, rest 0:30 between
25/20 cal AB
20 KB goblet squat (53/35)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit

Functional Fitness


We’ve got a long AMRAP for today’s suck fest. We’ve done this piece before. The key is to stay efficient and minimize the rest/transitions.


A. Strength

Work up to 1RM push press

B. Saturday Suck Fest

100 RFT
1 strict pull-up
2 squat clean (135/95)
3 bar facing burpees

C. Strongman

Farmer carry as far as possible with 2x53/35 KB's

D. Accessory

DB incline bench 3x10
Barbell curl 3x12
Weighted dip 3x12


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Cronus Fit