Posts in functional fitness
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Functional Fitness


Happy Tuesday, crew. Get ready to hit today's workout like you're about to hit the X. Lots of good stuff on the program today, enjoy it. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

Snatch - 3@77.5, 2@ 87.5, 3@82.5, 2@90, 2@87.5, 1@92.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 50 DBall over shoulder (150/100), 20 min cap

Every 2 minutes, including 0:00 run 200m


C. Interval

Row 4x1k, rest 2:00


D. Gymnastics

3 rounds, rest as needed

4 bar MU, 6 C2BPU, 8 PU, 10 T2B


E. Accessory

SA Bottom up KB walk 3x50' ea arm

Weighted chin up 3x6

Weighted GHDSU 3x15


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Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the 4th week of this cycle. The strength waves this week are a little heavier. Everything else is self explanatory. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

BS - 6@77.5, 4@82.5, 6@80, 4 @ 85, 6@80, 4@87.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 150 pull-ups, 20 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00 50 DU


C. Metcon


7 DL, 7 power clean, 7 front squat, 7 push jerk (135/95)


D. Gymnastics

15 EMOM, alternating 

10 HSPU, 15 GHDSU, 10 T2B


E. Accessory

Banded BB RDL 3x8

Double KB Overhead walk 3x100'

Banded reverse hyper 3x15


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Nothing like sitting nut to butt in a 47. Grab your buddy and enjoy today's workout. Lots of body weight movements and running, a nice contrast from last week's heavy barbell suck fest. As always, get after today's training and enjoy your Sunday. 


A. Oly

C+J - 3@75, 2@ 85, 3@80, 2@87.5, 2@85, 1@90


B. Saturday Suck Fest

Wearing 20# vest

Run 1 mile, 100 pullups, Run 1 mile, 100 burpees, Run 1 mile, 100 squats, Run 1 mile, 100 pushups


C. Accessory

Bench 3x5 @ 80%

DB hammer curl 3x12

Banded tricep push downs 3x20

Yoke carry 5x100' AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

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Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Something a little different for today's work capacity piece. We're throwing some decently heavy snatches into the mix. Think about a good strategy and pace that you're going to attack this piece with. If you go too hard on the burpee box jump over's, you risk missing a snatch and ultimately doing more BBJO's. Enjoy this piece and be strategic with your pacing. 


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

OHS - 6@75, 4@80, 6@77.5, 4 @ 82.5, 6@80, 4@85


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 burpee BJO (24/20), 20 min cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 1 squat snatch @ 80% 1RM, every miss, add 10 BBJO to total


C. Interval

AAB 9x30/25cal, rest 1:00

Compare to week 2


D. Gymnastics

5 RFT, rest 1:30 between rounds

20 pull up, run 200m


E. Accessory

KB Single leg RDL 3x10

Band face pull 3x20

Box jump 5x3 AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Rest day. Just a swim on the active recovery for today. As usual do your normal active recovery work and get ready for another few days of training. 


Active Recovery

Swim 45 min


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Hump Day. Last day of training before a much deserved rest day tomorrow. For the work capacity piece, shoot for about a 6" deficit, or a height at which you can hit about 8-10 for a max effort set. Scale as necessary. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

DL - 6@75, 4@80, 6@77.5, 4 @ 82.5, 6@80, 4@85


B. Work Capacity

For time: 50 parallete HSPU, 15 min time cap

Every break, 20/15 cal AAB


C. Metcon


10 power snatch (115/75), 10 burpee BJO (30/24), 1 rope climb, 1 legless rope climb, run 200m


D. Gymnastics

15 EMOM, alternating

5 bar MU, 20 pistols, 50 DU


E. Accessory

Banded BB pendlay row 3x8

Tempo pull-up (3333) 3x5

Parallete L-sit hold 3x30s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Tuesday. Again, the waves are getting heavier. The pieces are all pretty self explanatory today, so get after all the work. Figure out a good strategy for the row/burpees, and keep your transition times fast. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

Snatch - 3@75, 2@ 85, 3@80, 2@87.5, 2@85, 1@90


B. Work Capacity

For time: Row 300/200 calories, 20 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 5 burpees over rower


C. Interval

Run 7x400m, rest 1:00

Compare to Week 1


D. Gymnastics

8 min AMRAP, as many sets of 4 UB ring MU


E. Accessory

I/Y/T 3x10

Band pull apart 3x20

Snatch balance 4x3


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the third week of this cycle. We're dropping the reps on the waves, but going higher on the weights. For the work capacity piece today, run a 400 once your grip fails and you have to drop the bar. You can rest it on your legs or hip crease, but don't abuse the rests. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

BS - 6@75, 4@80, 6@77.5, 4 @ 82.5, 6@80, 4@85


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 hang squat clean (135/95), 15 min cap

Every break, run 400m


C. Metcon

50 cal row, 40 BJO (24/20), 30 C2BPU, 20 HSPU, 10 bar MU


D. Gymnastics

Accumulate 100 wall shoulder taps, rest as needed


E. Accessory

Tempo KB Goblet squat (AHAP) 4444 3x5

Weighted hip thrusts 3x8

Ring push-up plank hold 3x60s


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Grab a buddy for today's suck fest and enjoy. It's going to be very leg and shoulder heavy, so be smart with your work/rest break down. 

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

C+J - 4@72.5, 2@82.5, 4@77.5, 2@85, 2@80, 1@85


B. Saturday Suck Fest

In buddy teams

Run 2 miles carrying 20/15# KB

50 rope climbs, 100 pull-ups, 150 WB (30/20), 200 S2O (95/65), 250 squats

Lunge 800m


C. Accessory

Bench 3x8 @ 75%

Poundstone curl

CG bench 3x12

Sled push 5x100m, AHAP


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Cheers to the weekend. For the work capacity piece today, scale the AAB as needed. You should be able to knock out at least 10-15 T2B per set. If you're doing the interval work, compare to week one's times and try to either meet or beat them. Keep up the hard work

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

OHS - 8@72, 5@77.5, 8@75, 5 @ 80, 8@77.5, 5@82.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 150 T2B, 20 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 10/8 cal AAB


C. Interval

Row 7x500m, rest 1:00

Compare to Week 1


D. Gymnastics

50 bar MU, complete in as few sets as possible. Rest as needed


E. Accessory

Ring pull up 3x8

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

BB Good morning 3x8


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Recovery Day activities. As usual, get after your recovery day activities, meal prep, sleep, and relax. 2 more training days for the week.


Active Recovery

45 min jog, E3MOM 10 pushups, 10 squats


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Last training day before our recovery protocol tomorrow. The work capacity piece today is going to tax your grip, so make sure you're being intelligent with your strategy. Crush today's training and enjoy the day off tomorrow.

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

DL - 8@72, 5@77.5, 8@75, 5 @ 80, 8@77.5, 5@82.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 50 ring MU, 15 min cap

Every 2 minutes, including 0:00, 30 KBS (53/35)


C. Metcon


1-2-3-4…. FS (185/125), HSPU


D. Gymnastics

15 EMOM (sprint pace, focus on turnover speed)

15 C2BPU, 10 burpee to 6" target, 12 BJO (24/20)


E. Accessory

Landmine row 3x8 AHAP

L-sit pull-up 3x8

Weighted pistols 3x8


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Like yesterday, the Oly waves are higher than last week's. Make sure you're focusing on good reps and building good movement patterns - be deliberate in your practice. Everything else today is pretty self explanatory. Keep pushing this week

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Oly

Snatch - 4@72.5, 2@82.5, 4@77.5, 2@85, 2@80, 1@85


B. Work Capacity

For time: 150 GHDSU, 8 round cap

Every 2:30, including 0:00, row 500m


C. Interval

AAB 8x30/25cal, rest 1:00


D. Gymnastics

5 rounds, rest as needed

6 strict HSPU, 6 kipping HSPU


E. Accessory

Double KB Overhead lunge 3x10 ea leg

Weighted pull-up 3x6

Band face pull 3x20


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Monday, crew. Here we go onto week two of the new cycle. Hopefully everyone is enjoying the wave work and the new work capacity pieces. This week is going to continue the same from last week. The waves will follow the same rough rep scheme but it is slightly heavier this week. Enjoy the workouts this week.

A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

BS - 8@72, 5@77.5, 8@75, 5 @ 80, 8@77.5, 5@82.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 thruster (95/65), 15 min cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 50 DU


C. Metcon

Heavy DT (185/125)

5 RFT: 12 DL, 9 hang power clean, 6 push jerk


D. Gymnastics

15 EMOM, alternating

4 ring MU, 10 T2B, 20 pistols


E. Accessory


BB front rack box step up 3x8 AHAP

Weighted reverse hyper 3x10


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Today's Suck Fest is a good one - lots of pieces on a running clock. Like last time, if you're not able to finish the workout in the slotted time frame, cap yourself and move onto the next piece. Find the balance between intensity and endurance. Get after it today.


A. Oly

C+J - 4@70, 2@80, 4@75, 2@82.5, 2@77.5, 1@82.5


B. Saturday Suck Fest

On a running clock

0-10:00: Run 1 mile

10-25:00: 3 RFT: 3 rope climb, 6 burpee pullup, 9 HSPU, 12 T2B

25-40:00: 1-2-3..9-10 thruster (95/65), C2BPU

40-50:00: Heavy Grace- 30 C+J (185/125)

50-finish: Row 2K


C. Accessory

Bench 3x8 @ 75%

BB Curl 3x12

Weighted dip 3x10

Farmer carry 5x50' AHAP