Functional Fitness
Happy Friday. Lots of the same type of work per this week. We've introduced OHS into our strength work for this cycle. If you don't know your 1RM OHS, base it off your max snatch and then modify it up as needed. Get after today's work and enjoy the weekend.
A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.
A. Strength
OHS - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80
B. Work Capacity
For time: 150/100 cal AAB, 20 min time cap
Every minute, including 0:00, 5 squat clean thruster (135/95)
C. Interval
Run 6x400m, rest 1:00
D. Gymnastics
4 rounds
4 bar MU, 4 C2BPU, 4 PU, 4 T2B
E. Accessory
Banded face pull 3x20
Weighted glute ham raise 3x10
Parallete L-sit flutter kick 3x20