Posts in functional fitness

Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Lots of the same type of work per this week. We've introduced OHS into our strength work for this cycle. If you don't know your 1RM OHS, base it off your max snatch and then modify it up as needed. Get after today's work and enjoy the weekend.


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.


A. Strength

OHS - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80


B. Work Capacity

For time: 150/100 cal AAB, 20 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 5 squat clean thruster (135/95)


C. Interval

Run 6x400m, rest 1:00


D. Gymnastics

4 rounds

4 bar MU, 4 C2BPU, 4 PU, 4 T2B


E. Accessory

Banded face pull 3x20

Weighted glute ham raise 3x10

Parallete L-sit flutter kick 3x20


Functional Fitness


Happy Thursday. Enjoy the active recovery day today. Take the time to focus on healing and getting your body feeling right. The volume is only going to increase at this point so recovery days are going to become critical. For our flush, we've got a ruck. Pick a conversational pace and get the blood flowing.


Active Recovery

Ruck for 1 hour (50/35)


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman


Functional Fitness


Happy Independence Day. There has never been a harder group of men to serve this great country. Get after the work today. For the work capacity piece, you do the burpee box jumps overs every time you come off the bar. As long as you keep on the bar, you're gucci. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow, you guys have earned it.


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.

A. Strength

DL - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 C2BPU, 15 min time cap

Every break, 10 burpee box jump over (24/20)


C. Metcon


Pistols, GHDSU


D. Gymnastics

For time: 300' HSW

Every break, row 25/20 cal


E. Accessory

BB Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

Peg board ascents 3x2


#cronusfit #rltw #besomebody #earnit #paytheman

Screenshot at Jun 29 16-07-52.png

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's programming. Today is more of the same. Strength and work capacity development with some interval work instead of a metcon. Get after the work capacity piece today.


A/B/E mandatory. Choose C or D based on weaknesses.

A. Oly

Snatch - 4@70, 2@80, 4@75, 2@82.5, 2@77.5, 1@82.5


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 OHS (115/75), 15 min time cap

Every minute, including 0:00, 2 rope climb


C. Interval

Row 6x500m, rest 1:00


D. Gymnastics


10 HSPU, 50 DU


E. Accessory

DB Z-press 3x8

Weighted chin up 3x6

I/Y/T 3x10




Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the start of a new cycle, our Functional Fitness Cycle 6.0. This cycle will be an 8 week cycle focusing primarily on strength and work capacity development. For strength work, we're going to be focusing on 3 primary lifts - back squat, deadlift, and overhead squat. Oly work will be the classic C+J and snatch purely. All the strength work will be done in a "wave" format with an overall progressive overload throughout the cycle (the weights will slowly increase as the cycle goes on). As far as work capacity, we will be utilizing primarily high-output couplets paired together in an EMOM/AMRAP combination. We also have the standard metcons/intervals, gymnastics, and accessory pieces as well as normal. However, we will be more directive with the pieces that you should be accomplishing each day. As usual, hit us up with any questions that you may have.


A/B/E mandatory. C/D optional depending on weaknesses. 

A. Strength

BS - 8@70, 5@75, 8@72.5, 5 @ 77.5, 8@75, 5@ 80


B. Work Capacity

For time: 100 WB (20/14), 8 round cap

Every 2:30, including 0:00, run 400m


C. Metcon


DB Snatch (70/50), 5 double DB box step over (24/20) between DB Snatches


D. Gymnastics

Death by strict ring dip (start with 1 ring MU)


E. Accessory

BB Seated good morning 3x10

Single leg KB RDL 3x10

Strict T2B 3x10


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Last deload day for you. Pretty long Suck Fest today, but fairly simple movements. Shoot for about an 80% effort on the suck fest. It's more so to get the blood flowing and to breathe heavy than anything else. Get ready for the upcoming cycle.


A. Oly

Snatch 5x3 @ 70%

Hang clean + PJ 5x2 @ 70%


B. Strength

Bench 4x8@60%


C. Saturday Suck Fest

For time

Run 1 mile, 50 burpee BJO (24/20), 50 KBS (53/35)

Run 1200m, 40 burpee BJO (24/20), 40 KBS (53/35)

Run 800m, 30 BBJO, 30 KBS

Run 400m, 20 BBJO, 20 KBS

Run 1 mile


D. Accessory

Single arm farmer carry 5x50'

Barbell curl 3x10

Banded tricep extension 3x20


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Something a little different for our Saturday Suck Fest - a partner chipper workout. Only one person works at a time, and you can divide the work up however you want to. Lots of capacity today, so enjoy your Sunday and day off.


A. Strength

Bench Work to new max


B. Oly

Work up to new max SN balance


C. Oly

Work up to max power clean


D. Saturday Suck Fest

In teams of two for time:

150 cal AAB, 120 WB (30/20), 90 DB snatch (70/50), 60 HSPU, 40 muscle-up

Rest 5 minutes

Run 1 mile carrying 20# WB

100 weighted GHDSU (20/14# WB), 200 cal row, 300 WB (20/14)

Run 1 mile carrying 20# WB


E. Accessory

Farmer carry 5x50m AHAP

Barbell curl 3x12

Weighted dips 3x10


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Hope you had a good recovery day. As usual for our Friday's, we've got tons of pieces to choose from. For the box step overs, approach it like you would a medium distance run - think 5k feel. Keep moving.

A. Strength

DL Work to new max


B. Strength

OHP Work to new max


C. Interval

18 AMRAP, rest 60s between rounds

15 BJO (24/20), 10 SA DB squat snatches (70/50), 2 rope climbs


D. Gymnastics

8 AMRAP, as many rounds 5 unbroken HSPU

8 AMRAP, as many sets of 8 unbroken C2BPU


E. Accessory

Deficit strict HSPU 5x5

Banded BB RDL 3x12

Strict T2B 3x10


F. Work Capacity

300 sand bag (50/35) box step over (24/20)


Functional Fitness


Active Recovery Day. Get some rest, proper nutrition, and recovery work. For our active recovery, we've got a light jog with some bodyweight movements. Keep the intensity low and conversational. Use this work to get your blood flowing and work out some stiffness

Active Recovery

Jog 45 min, E4MOM 10 pushups, 10 squats


Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Get after the work today and enjoy the day off tomorrow. Lots of capacity today, including some weighted vest movements. Enjoy the rest day tomorrow.

A. Oly

C+J Work up to new max


B. Metcon

For time with 20# vest

300 DU, 200 squats, 100 pushups, 50 pullups


C. Accessory

Weighted chin up 3x6

BB Z-press 3x8

Weighted pistols 3x10ea leg


D. Gymnastics

Accumulate 300' HSW

Every time you break, run 200m


E. Work Capacity

Run 4x800m, rest 2:00

Screenshot at Jun 17 19-54-03.png

Functional Fitness


Taco Tuesday going hot. Find a new max on your snatch today and get after the conditioning work. For the gymnastics piece today, a DB burpee BJ step over is you do a burpee on the DB's, grab your DB's, and then step over the box. It'll be a good test of your grip so keep some chalk handy.


A. Oly

SN Work up to new max


B. Interval

20 min E4MOM

20 GHDSU, 20 thruster (95/65), 20 pull up


C. Accessory

I/Y/T 3x10

Bottom up KB Press 3x10

Pendlay row 3x6 AHAP


D. Gymnastics

10 RFT

5 strict HSPU, 5 DB Burpee BJ step over (50/35)


E. Work Capacity

Row 5x1k, rest 2:30


Functional Fitness


Happy Monday and welcome to the final week of this cycle. We're going to be maxing out this week. Hopefully everyone will see tons of gains and see how far you've come. Next week we will be a deload week with medium intensity to give the body a break until we start our next cycle. Thanks for following along with our post-open cycle and get ready for the next one

A. Strength

BS Work to new max


B. Metcon

For time

100/80cal row, 80 WB (30/20), 60 T2B, 40 HSPU, 20 bar MU


C. Accessory

BB Good morning 3x8

Single leg KB RDL 3x10

WB weighted GHDSU 3x15


D. Gymnastics

15 min EMOM, alternating

4 ring MU, 50 DU, 20 pistols


E. Work Capacity

For time: accumulate 200 cal AAB

Every minute on minute, 3 power clean and jerk (135/95)


Functional Fitness


Happy Saturday. Today's Suck Fest is a little different from last time. There's no running clock to compete against, however you should still keep the intensity high. Enjoy the work today and your weekend.

A. Strength

Bench 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


B. Oly

Hang PC 1x4@60%, 1x4@65%, 3x3@70%


C. Oly

Jerk 1x3@70%, 3x2@80%, 1x2@85%


D. Saturday Suck Fest

For time:

4 RFT: 8 squat snatch (135/95), 16 BJO (24/20), 32 DU

Rest 5:00

Row 3/2K

Rest 5:00

4 RFT: 8 power clean and jerk (135/95), 16 WB (30/20), 32 pull-up

Rest 5:00

30 burpee ring MU


E. Accessory

Poundstone curl

Close grip bench 3x12

Zercher carry 5x50' AHAP


Functional Fitness


Happy Friday. Cheers to the weekend. Lots of pieces to choose from, so hopefully you're feeling well rested from yesterday. If you're able to, split up the work capacity from the rest of the training session. If you can, do the running in the morning and then hit the lifting in the afternoon.


A. Strength

DL 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


B. Strength

OHP 1x3@ 70%, 1x3@80%, 1x3+@90%


C. Metcon


25/20c AAB, 25 KB Snatch (53/35), 25 BJO (24/20)


D. Gymnastics

For time

10-30-50-70 air squats, 9-7-5-3 ring MU


E. Accessory

Strict chin up, 3xAMRAP, rest 1:00

BB Z-press 3x8

KB single leg RDL 3x10


F. Work Capacity

Run 3x1 mile, rest 4:00


Functional Fitness


Hump Day. Get after the work today and enjoy the rest day tomorrow. Choose the pieces you need to work on and make sure you're getting the proper rest and recovery in.


A. Oly

C+J 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%, 1x2@80%, 1x1@85%, 1x1@90%, 2x1@92.5%, 2x1@95%


B. Metcon


DB Snatch (65/40), Pistol


C. Accessory

BB Overhead lunge 3x10 ea leg, AHAP

Strict ring dip 3x12

Weighted pullups 3x6


D. Gymnastics

8 rounds, rest as needed

5 strict HSPU, 5 kipping HSPU, 30 DU


E. Work Capacity

Row 4x1k, rest 2:00